VIRIDIS Design Group was retained by Ada Township to develop a park master plan for two preserve sites within the Carl Creek watershed. The master plan was used as a guide by the Township’s Open Space Committee to prioritize annual funding for improvements to the watershed. VIRIDIS was again retained by the Township to provided DEQ permitting, construction documentation, bidding, and construction administration services for the implementation phase of the project.
Constructed amenities for the project include: 2,700 linear feet of compacted stone nature trails, two bridges clear-spanning Carl Creek, elevated wetland boardwalk, stone council ring for outdoor education classes, removal of two acres of invasive species, interpretive signage, bench seating, parking lot, landscaping, stream stabilization, and protection and enhancements to wetland and upland habitats.
The project has provided residents recreational access and a better understanding of the importance of protecting and enhancing this important community asset.
Location: Ada, Michigan
Size: 8 Acres
Client: Ada Township
Completion Date: June 2015